How Does Tea Help Your Immune System?
So with everything that has happened in the last 12 months, there has been conversations and thoughts outside of lockdowns, freedoms and rapid tests about health in general.
Health now is so important and one of the most searched topics in 2020. For many, one of these things that will be on the list is getting your immune system into the best shape possible.
We at BRUU know that certain vitamins help boost your immune system, but can tea also help?
Your immune system
The immune system we all have is vital for our survival. Without it, our bodies would be left wide open to attacks from things like bacteria, viruses, parasites and so many more things. It is our immune system that keeps us healthy as we drift through a sea of pathogens.
The vast network of cells and tissues are constantly on the alert and looking out for outside invaders and once an attack is discovered a complex defence is mounted.
The immune system is spread throughout the body and involves many types of cells, organs, proteins, and tissues. Crucially, it can distinguish our tissue from foreign tissue — self from non-self. Dead and faulty cells are also recognized and cleared away by the immune system.
When your immune system encounters an attack, for example, a bacterium, virus, or parasite, it mounts a defensive immune response.
The main armed forces of your immune system are your white blood cells. White blood cells are also called Leukocytes. These flow all around your body in your blood. White blood cells are like armed forces on a constant non-stop patrol throughout your body looking for pathogens. When they discover an enemy parasite, they begin to multiply and send signals out to cell types to do the same.
Our white blood cells are stored in different places in the body, which are referred to as lymphoid organs. These include the following:
- Thymus — a gland between the lungs and just below the neck.
- Spleen — an organ that filters the blood. It sits in the upper left of the abdomen.
- Bone marrow — found in the centre of the bones, also produces red blood cells.
- Lymph nodes —small glands positioned throughout the body, linked by lymphatic vessels.
Everyone’s immune system is different but, as a general rule, it becomes stronger during adulthood as, by this time, we have been exposed to more pathogens and developed more immunity. That is why teens and adults tend to get sick less often than children.
Once an antibody has been produced, a copy remains in the body so that if the same antigen appears again, it can be dealt with more quickly. That is why with some diseases, such as chickenpox, you only get it once as the body has a chickenpox antibody stored, ready and waiting to destroy it the next time it arrives. This is called immunity.
Tea and your immunity
Now we come onto the discussion of tea. Can tea boost your immune system? Tea, as we have discussed previously on the BRUU blog, has many health benefits and tea might not be as good as say Vitamin C and D, different types of tea can help boost your immune system
Tea is great for your immune system, high in antioxidants, and a great source of hydration. Many types of tea also have anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties that can help to prevent you from getting sick.
Green tea is made from Camellia Sinensis leaves and has a shorter oxidation time, which means the leaves and cup are greener. The tea is fresh, smooth and verdant and is famed for its health benefits. Studies show that the catechins present in green tea can help to ward off the flu and the common cold.
Herbal teas are natural teas, made from herbs, spices and other plant materials. They are packed with health benefits and are often used as wellness teas. Our herbal teas use only the finest ingredients to create a refreshing tea.
Black tea is the most popular in the western world and is made using Camellia sinensis leaves. The leaves are left to oxidize for longer, leading to a darker leaf and cup. The taste is often described as strong, brisk and astringent. It is a tea that goes well with milk, honey and sugar.
White tea is made using the young Camellia Sinensis buds and has the lowest oxidation time of any tea. This leads to a very light, almost clear cup, and subtle taste. The taste is clean, healthy and the tea is favoured for its high levels of natural antioxidants.
So there you have it, tea can actually help boost your immune system and the better the ingredients the stronger the benefits. So next time you reach for a tea, ditch the tea bag and go for our gourmet loose tea.
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