The easy way to remove tea stains from cups, teapots and infusers

Here at BRUU we’re well stocked with some of the finest teas in the world, so it’s fair to say we go through a lot of cups during the day. After a while we find our tea cups and pots start to turn brown as the tannins in the tea stain the crockery.
It doesn't look particularly attractive and can leave flavors which then contaminate your next BRUU. Since all of our teas are loose we also find our metal tea infusers turn brown too.
So what is the solution?
There are lots of ways to remove the stains but we have found the easiest method is using bleach. It’s usually something you have lying around the home and it makes short work of it - no elbow grease required.
For cups, all you need to do is fill them with water (cold or hot) and add a drop of bleach and leave it overnight. The next morning all the stains will have gone and all you will need to do is give the cup a good clean. You can do the same with your tea pots and infusers and will be amazed how shiny and new everything is.
If you want a more natural method you could scrub away the stains with baking soda or a mixture of vinegar and salt, but we found this method quite awkward especially inside teapots and on the gauges of the infuser.
Word of caution
Please use this method at your own risk, we wouldn’t advise doing it on your best hand painted crockery. I would also make sure the crockery is not permeable otherwise your next cup of tea may taste of bleach.
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