How Do We Pack Our Teas?

With BRUU's popularity growing rapidly and the UK seemingly requiring more tea than ever; packing the loose tea leaves by hand became increasingly more difficult for their team. Not only was hand packing the tea time consuming, unhygienic and inefficient, it also meant they were dealing with a lot of waste.
Owner Anneka Woodhead, decided with her team to find a solution and working with a supplier created a machine that dispensed their tea leaves in an efficient, hygienic and all-round modernised manner. It was realised afterwards that the machines were capable of packing much more than just tea, so Anneka and his team contacted other companies who may be struggling with the same packaging problems and the machines started to fly off the shelves.
Could these innovative little machines be the future of packaging?
Unlike other machines which are expensive and difficult to maintain, or third-party packing companies that expect enormous volumes, these machines are robust, easy to use, reliable, quick and cost a fraction of the price (under £1000) - they are also portable and can fit on a desk. Since being brought into the packaging process at BRUU productivity has increased by 35% and waste has been reduced by 80% - “they are paying for themselves” says BRUU Founder Anneka.
Due to the machines being semi-automatic it means that the consumer has more control; choosing what product it dispenses, the packaging that is receiving the product into and even the speed at which it is released.
‘It is simple and quirky to use, in fact it is a conversational piece with customers and colleagues within BRUU. It is like having a new piece of technology that no one else even knows about’, says Vicky Wadsworth, Head of Sales for the new machine division at BRUU.
Just in time for Christmas, BRUU is ready and capable of sharing these machines with all those who require a speedier packing process, as sales increase over this busier season.
To learn more about the machines and watch a video of one in action visit